Exterior and Interior Painting
Residential and Commercial Projects
Five Year Guarantee
Painting & Restoration Co.

Step-by-Step Procedures for Exterior Painting
1. Scaffold and Netting may be erected on walls by a separate Contractor.
2. Pressure wash surfaces with bleach and water.
3. Mask off windows and Cover Floor surfaces.
4. Scrape loose paint from all surfaces.
5. Sand Wood surfaces with Festool Vacuum Assisted Orbital Sanders.
6. Dig out stucco cracks and Patch with an Elastomeric Stucco Patch.
7. Treat rusted surfaces with Rust Destroyer, a rust inhibitor.
8. Apply one coat of Elastomeric Coating to Stucco surfaces.
9. Apply one coat of Primer paint to Wood surfaces.
10. Apply caulking to window casings, door casings and trim surfaces, where necessary.
11. Patch Holes on wood surfaces with Restore It, a two part epoxy patch.
11. Spot Prime areas caulked and patched.
12. Apply Finish coat(s) of paint to all surfaces, totaling two or three coats of paint.
13. Remove trash and tools from site.